The Amplified Word

The Third Sunday in Lent

Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton, OH Season 3 Episode 8

In today's episode we look at the power and role of prayer. We are looking at the work of justice, the transformation of the world in the name of life for all, not only preventing murder. In particular highlighting the epistle of James and the Gospel of Matthew, and our responsibility within community.

  • How are we closer to living in community with one another, using prayer and action to transform the world?
  • What is a good confession? How can we participate in what the Christ is doing in this world?
  • Thou shall not murder; are we creating a more just world where everyone can live well, are we tearing down oppressive systems, are we striving to lift up those who are killed in our world

To learn more about the Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church by Dr. Wil Gafney, and our yearlong programming, Women of the Word, visit our  website at